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Saatchi Gallery Exhibit 2016


On Friday 11thDecember Heirlooms were excited to take part in an exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery celebrating the perfection of design & luxury.

The exhibition was in connection with the RREC launching their new publication and was hosted by journalist and TV presenter Quentin Willson, racing driver and TV presenter Vicki Butler-Henderson and renowned wine critic Jilly Goolden.

As a manufacturing company Heirlooms are constantly striving for perfection in everything they do so when the opportunity arose for to create an appropriate piece for the Saatchi Gallery for the event the team rose to the challenge.

If Heirlooms had taken the easy route they could have shown some of the new stunning collection from the recent Monaco Yacht Show or the interior design show Decorex International but then for those of you who know them that is not the ethos of the Heirlooms team, they never take the easy option and are always up for a creative challenge!

“We set about thinking how we could depict our company in artwork format. How could we introduce the many facets of our business – yachts, interior design and our royal heritage as well as taking into account the creative setting of the Saatchi Gallery” Commented Ruth Douglas – General Manager of Heirlooms

With a limited 3 x 3 plinth they created an imaginative creation called ‘New Adventures’. Using pure linen fabrics, their royal heritage was represented by the Mute Swan with her 2 signets who are protected by Her Majesty the Queen. The sides of the plinth were used to add texture using jacquard and pique fabrics with a splay of colour on the front from their plain weave sateens. Heirlooms heritage in yacht market was depicted in the picture behind of a sail boat created using fabrics, a pillow, duvet and embroidery of a well know Falcon!

Heirlooms - New Adventures

Combining a love of textiles, nature and sailing, New Adventure is an elegant creation depicting a mute swan with her signets on top of a cascading waterfall. A yacht sails gently behind the group. The swan represents family, love, beauty and grace symbolised across the world. The yacht embraces the power of nature using the wind to explore new adventures.

 Heirlooms are a British manufacturer of bed, table and bathroom linens. Founded in 1984 to provide linens of lasting beauty, their name has become synonymous with quality, durability and the finest fabrics, all hand-crafted to perfection.

 I hope you will agree the creative team at Heirlooms managed to encapsulate our heritage with the artwork created….


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